About Thrive Consulting

Lifting standards of advice in the Life Risk sector.

Cecilia Farrow is the driving force behind Thrive Consulting and has over 25 years experience committed to developing and delivering comprehensive adviser resources and support.
Cecilia Farrow

Get To Know Me

My focus has been on developing personal and business risk advice processes that embed a sound risk management philosophy with a client-centred approach. One of my passions has been developing and delivering comprehensive training programs for advisers in Business and Personal Risk Management advice.

Over the years, I have built extensive training resources for Business Risk, and I am proud to say that our Masterclass courses have been assessed and approved for structured CPD by Financial Advice New Zealand.
The Thrive Approach

Commitment and passion to making a positive difference in risk management advice.

This is our essence and values behind Thrive Consulting’s commitment and passion. It forms our solid foundation and commitment to making a positive difference in risk management advice.

Partnering with Thrive Consulting will be a transformative journey that propels you toward excellence. Embrace a holistic approach to risk management and financial advising that not only enhances your skills but also makes a material positive difference to the impact you make in the lives of your clients.

Professional Background

With a vast 25 years of experience in the Life Risk sector, I have excelled as an adviser, spearheaded the creation of a franchise adviser channel, and led the development of innovative fintech and online learning platforms.

I have provided extensive training and industry consulting, with a specific focus on innovating Business Risk insurance solutions, advice, and training resources.

My multifaceted background positions me as a true industry expert, equipped to provide you with the most innovative and effective solutions for your business.

I have committed my efforts to lifting the standards of advice in the life risk sector through three key areas:

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